Actuary need to develop a continuous passion of learning. Actuarial exams are professionally designed for analyse the qualified person who understood the concept of subjects. Most of the actuaries begin with failure of subjects because of complexity of each topic, lack of understanding or extent of prior knowledge.
The exam papers like core reading have many mathematical calculations and applying mathematical techniques to various frequently unfamiliar, situations for deep understanding of subjects.
You have to develop a realistic study plan that should be based on
How many free hours are available, how to prepare and procure the course material, how to create environmental conductive for a fruitful study etc.
Successful students tend to undertake three main study activities:
The Series X Assignments are written assessments that test your understanding of the material. The ActEd Solutions with Exam Technique (ASET) contains eight past exam papers, plus comment and explanation. The Mock Exam will provide a realistic test of your exam readiness.
The Live Online Classroom will be an either a valuable add-on or a great alternative to a face-to-face tutorial. The Online Classroom in each subject is a comprehensive, easily-searched collection of tutorial units. These are a mix of teaching units, helping you to really get to grips with the course material, and guided questions, enabling you to learn the most efficient ways to answer questions and avoid common exam pitfalls.
Finally, to be really prepared for the exam, you should not only know and understand the Core Reading but also be aware of what the examiners will expect. So that you are aware of the typical style, content and marking structure of exam questions. It’s a fact that people are more likely to remember something if they review it several times. So, create a passion of continuous learn and practice that will be helpful to pass the exams.